
Seminar on Working at Height 2016 in Kladno

116298On 22th and 23rd February 2016 SINGING ROCK and the SPOLEČNÁ VIZE (Common Vision) association organized a two-day meeting of experts in the fields of Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) of working at height. The two-day seminar took place in the POLYGON Singing Rock training centre in Kladno, Czech Republic. About 130 participants and 20 lecturers attended.

On the first day of the meeting the primary focus of the programme was on the designers, OHS coordinators and OHS inspectors, who were particularly interested in the concepts such as anchoring point, anchoring place etc. In the afternoon the foreign experts presented to the audience the history and development of standards and education in the field of high-rise work in Germany and the countries of the Western Europe. The FISAT and IRATA organizations and their standards were introduced. At the end of the first day there was a very entertaining and interesting presentation of the amendments to legislation regarding high-rise work in the neighbouring Slovak Republic.

The second day's programme was dealing with more specific problematics associated with working at height. At the beginning the news in the Czech legislation were mentioned, followed by an introduction of the POLYGON Singing Rock standards of OHS education with regard to high-rise work. The trainer team from POLYGON Singing Rock then showed the attendants several practical demonstrations of evacuating the injured worker from the height on the construction of the training centre, such as the evacuation from scaffolding and the HV pole or evacuation within rope access. The performance was followed by a lecture on preventing the injuries in heights and first aid. The second day's programme was concluded by introducing the climbing groups of The Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic and their activities.

The two-day seminar was accompanied by many debates, presentations of anchoring technology and as the SPOLEČNÁ VIZE Association's name suggests, for two days we were also creating the common vision, shared our experience and thus contributed to improvement in the field of occupational health and safety of working at height.

We are looking forward to the next meeting.
POLYGON Singing Rock Team

Seminar on Working at Height 2016

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