
SINGING ROCK Staff Training

69278SINGING ROCK staff had the internal training for using the Personal Protective Equipment. The training was held in a beautiful area Suche Skaly in Bohemian Paradise.

The theoretical part was held in our Polygon training centre where staff was learned about the norms and standards of using PPE. The practical part was done at Suche Skaly where our staff from could try how to use the personal protective equipment which they are producing themselves. They were trained how to use the products properly, in which situation is the best to use them and what are the advantages of these products. All our staff checked up their abilities and also their fear from the heights. For some of them it was unforgettable moment.

Thanks to this training, all our employees know how important is to take care about our products made in Singing Rock. Also our staff from management participated this training to refresh the knowledge of using the PPE and to support our Singing Rock Staff Team.

All participants were very satisfied with the training and it was a great benefit to their working effort.


SINGING ROCK Staff Training

Školení zaměstnanců SIGR

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