
International Technical Symposium on Work at Height and over Free Depth, Kladno 2017

127111This year’s International Technical Symposium on Work at Height and over Free Depth organized by SINGING ROCK and the “SPOLEČNÁ VIZE” Association took place on 21st and 22nd February 2017. As in the previous years, the meeting was located at the POLYGON Singing Rock training centre for work at height at Kladno, Czech Republic.

The main topic of the Symposium, which was the third event of this kind organized at the Kladno Polygon centre (the Symposium followed the two technical seminars from the November 2014 and February 2016), was “Ensuring the Safety of Work at Height – on Sloped and Flat Sites”.

During the two days more than ten specialists from Czechia, Slovakia, Austria and Germany lectured to about a hundred of participants. In their contributions they covered topics such as The Role and Status of the Labour Inspection Control Authorities in Ensuring the OHS of Work at Height in the Czech Republic, The OHS Legislation for Work at Height in Slovakia and Austria, Introduction and Results of the EPCRA Research (the European Professional Certification for Rope Access) or the Practical Use of the Fall Arrest Systems and Scaffolding.

The moderated discussion, which was also part of the programme, was very well received. The representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, The Occupational Safety Research Institute, Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians, Singing Rock and a specialist lecturer who is an experienced inspector of the RLI (Regional Labour Inspectorate) answered the questions submitted by the participants of the Symposium in advance, as well as the questions by the audience which arised spontaneously during the discussion.

This year’s International Technical Symposium in Kladno again became a meeting point of the professionals from the field of construction, the Integrated Rescue System and other specialists from the field of work at height and OHS and, undoubtedly, it helped to further improve the OHS of work at height.

We are looking forward to the other future events.
POLYGON Singing Rock Team

International Technical Symposium, Kladno, 21-22 Feb 2017

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