
88th annual JAMES Mountaineering meeting

94957SINGING ROCK was this year presented at 88th annual  JAMES Mountaineering meeting.

To install the CRACK at High Tatra wasn´t so easy but at the end with our creativity and the help from the owner of Chata pri Zelenom please we have made 1st High Tatra Crack contest.

The participants of JAMES week firstly tried to climb a Crack but at the end some of them reached also a good time measurements. Also Igor Koller, the chief of JAMES, has tried the Crack and won his own category. The women category won Petra from HO Manin, 2nd place got Nicola. The man category won Hungarian climber Atila, 2nd place also Hungarian climber Geza Valku and 3rd place got the best Slovakian Crack climber Mojmír Kadmir.

In general the annual JAMES meeting had a great atmosphere and thanks to a beatiful weather was full of climbing and bouldering.

SINGING ROCK TEAM is looking forward to meeting you again at High Tatra.

JAMES Mountaineering meeting 2012

88th annual JAMES Mountaineering meeting


Thursday 16th August 2012
20.00 Honoroued persons – Paľo Jackovič and Dušan Myslivec: From Tatra to Himalaya

Friday, 17th August 2012
12.00 Meeting of JAMES members – Seniors at Popradske pleso
13.30 Pious memory at Symbolic cemetery
20.00 Igor Koller: 45 years on the rocks and the mountains
Saturday, 18th August 2012
Bouldering contest and SINGING ROCK "CRACK" contest.
19.00 Closing ceremony
           Slovakian climbers at the world (Greenland, Himalaya...)
           Results of the THT contests
           Live music, party

Accommodation: Chata pri Zelenom plese is already fully booked but you can still come and you might find a space on the floor. Own sleeping bag is mandatory.

Registration fee: 5,00 €/participant

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