
Chamonix Mountain Festival

106583SINGING ROCK is one of the partners of the mountain festival in Chamonix, France, which takes place on 28th June - 6th July 2014. In addition to a week of climbing and mountaineering the festival is home to a great programme of films, lectures, discussions and social activities too. Also on 28th & 29th June there is GearFest as a supporting event, an ideal chance to test a range of equipment from SINGING ROCK and other brands.

participants will have a chance to borrow for testing: BANDIT, WIZARD and WIZARD light ice axes, LUCIFER and FAKIR crampons, KAPPA and TERRA II helmets, HERO (HERO dry), MYSTIC (MYSTIC dry) and GEMINI ropes, SHUTTLE belay and rappel device or our patented SAFETY CHAIN.

Both days of GearFest also Drytool Contest will take place by SINGING ROCK booth. Come to visit us daily from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. to try our drytool board to test BANDIT ice axes and to win valuable prices. Stop at our booth and you will get more information.

More info about the festival and its programme you will find on chamonixmountainfestival.com.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Chamonix.


The drytool board for the contest - come to test your strength and skills:

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