
Photo contest - SINGING ROCK gear in action

127534SINGING ROCK is climbing - either rock climbing or climbing at work at height. SINGING ROCK gear has been your companion on your climbing/professional trips in the rocks, mountains or in the city already for 25 years. We celebrate this anniversary also with the new photo contest SINGING ROCK gear in action.

Engage your imagination and use your camera, cell phone or other device to shoot SINGING ROCK gear in action in original way.  What matters is not completely the photographic skills or quality of the camera, but mainly your idea and originality. Engage your head, your photographic skills and win prizes of your choice. Valuable gear is waiting for you.

Subject of the competition::

  • An original photograph with SINGING ROCK gear in a practical use.

Conditions of the competition:

  • The photographs must contain the SINGING ROCK climbing/personal protective equipment and must represent SINGING ROCK in a decent and imaginative way. The announcer reserves the right to exclude from the competition proposals deemed inappropriate.
  • In case of a shot including people we suppose that the author of the photo has the photographed person’s approval. SINGING ROCK is not responsible for the cases when it is to the contrary.

How to participate:

  • Simply post your photos on Facebook or Instagram with proper attributes. When posting, use
    the hashtag #singingrock25 and mention SINGING ROCK's social network username:
    on Facebook post a photo with #singingrock25 and mention the user @singingrock.page
    on Instagram post a photo with
    #singingrock25 and mention the user @singingrock_official
  • An author (name or nickname) should be mentioned and don't forget to write a short description of the photo (where and when in was taken, what or who is in the photo etc.).
  • Competing photos will be gradually published on this page below, Facebook and Instagram.

Duration of the competition:

  • You can post your competing pictures from 20th April until 31st August 2017.
    Voting on winning photographs will take place from 1st September till 15th September 2017.

Selection of the winners and their prizes:

  • A narrow selection of SINGING ROCK staff will examine the competition entries, will determine top 10 entries and let the public vote to choose three winners. The evaluation criterion will be the originality of the idea and the action quality of the photo. (The committee may decide that none of the entries has complied with the conditions of competition.)
  • The winner of the competition will win products of Singing Rock of his/her choice worth 8100 CZK (approx. 300), the 2nd place will win a voucher worth 5400 CZK (approx. 200) and the 3rd place a 2700 CZK voucher (approx. 100).

Use of photos:

  • All participants of SINGING ROCK’s competition “SINGING ROCK gear in action” agree with a permanent nonexclusive use of submitted photos for marketing purposes of the company Singing Rock s.r.o. A photo used for marketing purposes will always indicate the name of the author.

We look forward to seeing your photos and wish you good luck.

Competing shots

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