
Dejan Koren, ice climbing in Kandersteg and Vallunga

105671SINGING ROCK climber Dejan Koren doesn't waste his time. This winter season he climbs a lot with ice tools and developes his skills. In recent times he visited Kandersteg valley, Switzerland, and Vallunga valley, Italy.

In Switzerland with his wife Stanka Dejan repeated Ritter der Kokosnuß M12/WI5 on Breitwangflue. The route isn't equipped with anchors and it was the 1st on sight ascent there. Nice!

To Italy Dejan went with his friend Tine Andreašič. The first day they repeated La Piovra WI5+. The route is situated on north slope so conditions were almost perfect and the guys enjoyed pretty good climbing. The second day it was different. They tried to climb Senza Piombo M10/WI5, but because of bad south-est orientation of the route the ascent resembled a war bombardment. Due to poor condition of the route and falling pieces of ice Dejan and Tine had to stop the ascent and leave it for another time...

Ritter der Kokosnuß M12/WI5 (Breitwangflue at Kandersteg) 165m, 1st on sight ascent, 28 Feb 2014
La Piovra WI5+ (Vallunga) 130m, 3h, Dejan Koren and Tine Andreašič, 10 Mar 2014

Good job. Congratulations!

A few pictures from the routes

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