

ISPO 2013

ISPO 2013

SINGING ROCK also this year will be presented at the ISPO trade fair in Munich, Germany,  3rd - 6th February 2013...
Brasil Vertical

Brasil Vertical

Brasil Vertical is a short film featuring Felipe Camargo, Singing Rock Climbing Team Member, on some of his First Ascents around Brazil...
Pour Féliciter 2013

Pour Féliciter 2013

SINGING ROCK wishes you Merry Christmas and lot of climbing and working at heights in a new year 2013...


SINGING ROCK in cooperation with Teiresias and HO Matahari organized a weekend event designed especially  for climbers and mountaineers with disabilities, 14th - 16th September 2012, Velky Rabstejn...
29th International Mountaineering Film Festival

29th International Mountaineering Film Festival

Another year has passed and again here comes "FESŤÁK" - 29th International Mountaineering Film Festival in Teplice nad Metuj, 23rd - 26th August 2012
88th annual  JAMES Mountaineering meeting

88th annual JAMES Mountaineering meeting

SINGING ROCK this year was presented at 88th annual  JAMES Mountaineering meeting, 13th - 19th August 2012, Vysoke Tatry, Zelene Pleso, Slovakia...
SINGING ROCK 20th anniversary contest

SINGING ROCK 20th anniversary contest

SINGING ROCK celebrates this year 20th anniversary and because of this occasion we have prepared a contest for the oldest, the most worn or the less worn old harness from our production...
Felipe Camargo, Segundo Sol 8B

Felipe Camargo, Segundo Sol 8B

Felipe Camargo has sent a boulder Segundo Sol 8B in Sao Bento do Sapucai, Brasil...


SINGING ROCK supports great event, 11th annual Survival - No Limits - OPEN National Championship  in outdoor mixed teams & 2nd year race for wheelchair/bound athletes without a handicap, June 8th – 10th 2012, Poněšice near Hluboká nad Vltavou, České Budějovice, Czech Republic...
Highline Workshop 2012

Highline Workshop 2012

Do you like slackline? Do you want to improve your skills, to get further, higher? You have a great opportunity to learn everything about the highline at Highline Workshop 2012.