
Felipe Camargo, Catalan Witness the Fitness 8C

116066At the end of February 2016 SINGING ROCK athlete Felipe Camargo repeated Chris Sharma's Catalan Witness The Fitness 8C at Cova de Ocell, Spain. Some shots from the line you can watch on facebook. On 8a.nu Felipe comments the ascent as follows:

"Super happy! The boulder is awesome and I didn't expect to do it in just four days. I've been training a lot of roof climbing! I'm making a movie about only roof climbs! So this year I will be going around trying some hard roofs around the world! The wheel of life, Andrada's Corazon de ensueño in China and In search of time lost in Magic Woods!

But first, it dries, is my project in Rodellar! A link into Los Inconformistas which is like an 8c into the 9a! But if it doesn't dry I might just climb in Margalef and Oliana.

Congratulations! We are looking forward to the roof climbing movie.

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