HandiCamp 2018
SINGING ROCK in cooperation with Teiresiás and other partners invites you to the next HandiCamp, the weekend event designed especially (but not only) for climbers and mountaineers with disabilities. This time we will meet in the Vysočina region, Czechia.
poster to download
Date: weekend 25th - 27th May 2018, event will take place in any weather conditions. If the weather forecast is really really bad, we will announce extra weekend (in September).
Location: climbing areas Čtyři palice and Pasecké skály. On Friday 25th May 2018 at 7 p.m. we will meet at the Milovy camp.
Transportation: individual
Accommodation: campground Milovy, in own tents, sleeping bag necessary, the participants pay the accommodation on their own expenses
Food: your own; for those interested there will be a possibility of a common dinner on Saturday evening
Gear: sport clothing and shoes to any kind of weather (there is no good and bad weather, only good and bad equipment...) If you have your own climbing equipment, please, take it with you otherwise there will be possibility to borrow harnesses, helmets, belay devices etc.
Friday: meeting at the Milovy camp at 7 p.m.; introducing the organizers, programme, climbing areas etc.
Saturday: climbing at the Čtyři palice area, UIAGM guide methodology, belaying, rope ascent etc.
Sunday: climbing at the Pasecké skály area, rescue techniques for climbers etc.
Registration and more information: Honza Zámečník honza@singingrock.cz
Looking forward to seeing you at HandiCamp XII.