
Highline Workshop 2012

Do you like slackline? Do you want to improve your skills, to get further, higher? You have a great opportunity to learn 93757everything about the highline at Singing Rock Highline Workshop 2012.

Date: On weekend 9th – 10th June 2012 there will 2nd Highline Workshop intended for public to learn how to prepare and walk on a highline.

Place: Ostrov u Tise, Elbe Sandstone area, Czech Republic


Saturday 9th June 2012 – meeting at 10 a.m. in a front of the pub Pod Cisarem, leaving to the rock area near by.
Morning – pulling out the training slacklines (max. height 3 m), training to get up the slackline using the highline daisy chain. Another training slackline (max. height 1m) – training to get up the slackline by push-up.
Afternoon – pulling out the highline – tech tips, measuring the tension by tenzometer, training

Sunday10th June 2012 – slackline, longline, slack contest – the best improvement during this workshop


Campground Pod Cisarem, all participants arrange the accommodation by themselves
All participants are going to attend on their own risk.

Registration at honza@singingrock.cz (your name and highline experience)
All pre-registered participants will receive a small gift from Singing Rock.

We are looking forward to meeting at Highline Workshop 2012

Singing Rock Slackline Team

Highline Workshop 2011

Highline Workshop 2011

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