
Honoree 25 Years with Singing Rock

128921Are you 25? You sure have quite a piece of life behind you! And so does the Singing Rock company. So we decided to give away 25 harnesses of their choice to 25 people who are celebrating their 25th birthday. You just need to take part in our "25 Years with Singing Rock" call action and be born on 16th June 1992 - and the harness is yours!

The Rules of the "25 Years with Singing Rock" call action.

The action will take place from the 16th June 2017 to the 16th July 2017 and is for the individuals who were born on 16th June 1992. The subject of the action is to give a Singing Rock sit harness of their own choice to the 25 participants of the call action.

Anyone interested in taking part in this action must meet the following criteria:
  • must be born on 16th July 1992
  • must send a private message with his or her name, surname and date of birth via the Singing Rock Facebook page or via an e-mail to soutez@singingrock.cz
  • must agree with the terms and conditions of the call action, which is done by sending the message with the information required as per the paragraph above
  • each participant can take part in the action only once and get only one prize.
In case of winning the prize, the participant also agrees to prove his/her identity by sending us a scanned copy or a photocopy of his/her identity card, passport or other document containing the name, surname and the date of birth.

If there are more than 25 participants who were born on 16th June 1992 in the action, the decision of who gets the prize will be made according to the date and time the message/e-mail was sent, and the earlier messages will be preferred.

Singing Rock are entitled to exclude from the call action the participants who violate the rules or those who raise suspicion of the fraudulent or dishonest conduct.

By taking part in this action the participant agrees with the terms and conditions of the action and agrees to fully comply with them.

The participant acknowledges and agrees with the use of all his/her personal data provided by him or her within this action (name, surname, date of birth, address and phone number - hereinafter referred to as "data") for the purposes of organizing and evaluating the action and delivering the prizes.

The prize is not for sale and cannot be paid in cash, nor can it be exchanged for other goods or values. The prize cannot be enforced by court. Singing Rock are entitled to use the prizes that were not given away or those that could not be delivered to the winners (for example if the addressee is unavailable, he or she does not take over the delivery or if there are any other unexpected circumstances complicating the delivery) according to their own decision.

Celebrate with us ;-)

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