
Martin Stráník, Hvězdná Relikvie 8B/+ FA

Martin Stráník repated Relikvie Smrti 8A+/B and then made the first ascent of its prolongation Hvězdná Relikvie 8B/B+ in a nice overhang in Szklarska Poreba, Poland on 11th October 2018.

Martin commented it on his blog: "Actually, this is a traverse over the edge of the overhang, in the crux one needs to engage the toe and rely on it with most of the bodyweight. This doesn't suit me well, unfortunately I cannot cheat with power much here. It took three visits to get over the crux and finish Relikvie Smrti. And once I'm done, I go for the prolonged version - the whole climb goes to the left through Star gate. I fall once and then the guys from Liberec join me. There is a hard spot and I need several attempts to overcome it. And the toe is getting weaker. I make one last attempt and the toe stays at its place, so I push further and nothing can stop me! The project is done."

Good job, congratulations!

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