
Martin Stráník excelled at Melloblocco 2015

113591Czech top boulderists Martin Stráník (SINGING ROCK Climbing Team) and Adam Ondra participated in the 12th edition of  the Melloblocco international bouldering meeting, Italy, Val Masino and Val di Mello, 30th April - 3rd May 2015.

Martin and Adam also took part in the bouldering contest during the festival. They topped 9 from 10 selected lines and thus finished on the 1st place, with two other athletes (Anthony Gullstein from Finland and Stefano Ghisolfi from Italy). The only one line, Mare Nostrum, resisted all the attempts. (Btw, this line had become even more difficult after the hold broke:)

Read a more detailed article summarizing the event at Planetmountain.

We congratulate the winners, good job!

Martin Stráník sending Metodo Iperespresso (8A) at Melloblocco 2015:

Martin Stráník, Melloblocco 2015

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