
Pavol Rajčan & Wolfgang Hell, Evolution M9+

105573In the middle of March 2014 SINGING ROCK climber Pavol Rajčan and his buddy Wolfgang Hell they made a first ascent in Italian Vallunga Valley.

The route was called Evolution M9+, it has 4 pitches and you can find it near the known icefall Piovra. On the first two pitches there is nice ice with the difficulties WI4+ and WI5+. The third pitch is crucial, there is a climbing over a ten meters overhang towards a hanging ice pillar. The fourth pitch leads to a rappeling place.

Pavol has said that the problem of the 3rd crucial pitch lies in a anchoring, three doubtful pitons and a breakable hanging ice which did not allow powerfull strikes with ice axes. The route is difficult exactly because of this  relatively short but very intensive part. After climbing you will remember this part for whole life.

Pavol and Wolfgang, congratulations.


Evolution M9+, 120 m (WI4+, WI5+, M9+, WI3), FA PP Pavol Rajčan & Wolfgang Hell, 15. March 2014




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