

70050 As we already informed you last year, Lanex, a.s. made an acquisition of Czech company Raveltik, s.r.o. and Lanex, a.s. has 100 % shares in this company. The strategic aim of this acquisition is to extend the product portfolio and production capacity of division and brand SINGING ROCK.

70051Since January 1st 2012 Raveltik has started close cooperation with SINGING ROCK, divison of Lanex,a.s. With this cooperation the SINGING ROCK The orders, availability and other demands related with Raveltik products should be addressed to the RAVELTIK goods. The advantage of this synergy is to reduce your transport costs, to have more efficient delivery and better sales support.

The orders, availability and other demands related with Raveltik products should be addressed to, tel. +420 481 585 007, e-mail: prodej@singingrock.cz

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