
Stráník brothers, autumn boulders in Poland

109562In mid-October Martin Stráník and Štěpán Stráník went for a climbing trip to Poland. They repeated various 7 and 8 boulders and in addition to that Martin made a new 8B line called Czech Star.

Have a look at a few photos and videos from the trip...

Štěpán Stráník, Progress low start 8A/+ (Sokoliki - Rudawy Janowickie, Poland, October 2014)
Martin Stráník, Nadstachu low start 8B (Sokoliki - Rudawy Janowickie, Poland, October 2014)

Martin Stráník, Katharsis 8A (Sokoliki - Rudawy Janowickie, Poland, October 2014)

Martin Stráník, Czech Star 8B (Szklarska Poręba, Poland, October 2014)

Stráník brothers, autumn boulders in Poland

Very nice. Congatulations!

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