
Guessing Game - founding of Singing Rock

128378In honour of our 25th anniversary, besides a photo contest, we have another game for you. Let´s say a mini game. Try to guess the exact date of founding of the Singing Rock company.

Well, everybody knows that it was in 1992. But what about the day and month?

Send us your ideas in a personal message on Facebook or via e-mail to soutez@singingrock.cz in format DD/MM/1992.

The deadline of the contest is on Sunday 11th June 2017. After that we will draw one winner from the correct answers. This time we compete for climbing equipment of your choice worth 2500 CZK (approx. €95 or $105).

We are looking forward to your guess. Good luck!

Answer: 16/06/1992
. The Singing Rock company was founded on 16th June 1992 (registered in the commercial register on 25th June 1992). The winner of our guessing game is... Klára Servusová from the Czech Republic. Congratulations!

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