

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Martin Stráník, three 8B+ in Magic Wood

Martin Stráník, three 8B+ in Magic Wood

In October 2016 Martin Stránik visited Magic Wood in Switzerland. Have a look at his repeatings of Ill Thrill 8B+, Mystic Stylez 8B+ and From Shallow Waters to Riverbed 8B/B+...
Martin Stráník, Bugeleisen 8B+

Martin Stráník, Bugeleisen 8B+

At the begining of October SINGING ROCK athlete Martin Stráník repeated "a super cool line" Bugeleisen 8B+ in Maltal, Austria...
Citro, El hijo libre 8c

Citro, El hijo libre 8c

Carlos Logroño (aka Citro) from SINGING ROCK Climbing Team repeated El hijo libre 8c in Rodellar, Spain, September 2016. Check out the video...
Alpinmesse Innsbruck 2016

Alpinmesse Innsbruck 2016

SINGING ROCK participates and invites you to Alpinmesse, the mountaineering fair held in Innsbruck, Austria, on 29 - 30 October 2016. Visit our booth B1-160...
Sasha DiGiulian & Felipe Camargo, Planeta dos Macacos 8a+, 650 m

Sasha DiGiulian & Felipe Camargo, Planeta dos Macacos 8a+, 650 m

In mid-July 2016 Sasha Di Giulian and SINGING ROCK athlete Felipe Camargo made the first free ascent of the big wall at Pedra Riscada, Brazil...
33rd International Mountaineering Film Festival in Teplice nad Metují

33rd International Mountaineering Film Festival in Teplice nad Metují

SINGING ROCK invites you to the 33rd International Mountaineering Film Festival in Teplice nad Metují, Czechia, 25th - 28th August 2016. Films, concerts, exhibitions, climbing competitions and more...
92nd JAMES Mountaineering Meeting

92nd JAMES Mountaineering Meeting

After a year SINGING ROCK invites you again to the annual JAMES Mountaineering Meeting. This time the event takes place on 8th - 14th August 2016 at Popradské pleso in the High Tatras, Slovakia...
Teaser: Story of Martin Stranik

Teaser: Story of Martin Stranik

Have a look at the teaser for the movie about one of the best Czech boulderists, SINGING ROCK athlete Martin Stráník. The premiere is at the 33rd International Mountaineering Film Festival in Teplice nad Metují...
Camargo & Honnold, Corazón de Ensueño 5.14b

Camargo & Honnold, Corazón de Ensueño 5.14b

In April 2016 SINGING ROCK athlete Felipe Camargo & Alex Honnold traveled to Getu, China to attempt Corazón de Ensueño, the roof, 8-pitch, 5.14b sport route by Dani Andrada. Watch this video by The North Face...